Friday, August 14, 2009

The devil apparently wears a "Hockey Canada" logo

It was last November that it was reported that the IOC, in their infinite wisdom, would not allow team Twentyten to wear the traditional Canadian hockey jerseys for the Vancouver Olympics when they begin in 2010.

Now I don't want to get off on a rant on how utterly stupid it was to not allow the Canadians to wear the jersey they've worn at every international competitions for the last umpteen years because they didn't like the fact that Hockey Canada would be receiving the revenue for the sales of such a jersey, so I won't. But the point of this post is that in the newest "scandal", photos of what the new jerseys will look like have leaked (as you can see above).

Hockey Canada was set to announce the new look on Monday, but thanks to the modern wonder that is the internet, everyone will already know what our boys will be wearing when they take to the ice in Vancouver.

We like to focus more on hockey on this blog than fashion, so I think jersey design is probably the least important issue that can be discussed on this team, and really at the end of the day, there's only going to be one fashion statement that matters with this team, and that of course is the gold around our team's neck next February.


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